Wednesday, July 11, 2012

An Open Letter to the People of NW Indiana

Dear Neighbors,

As a recent Southern transplant to your fine region, I really enjoy your proximity to Chicago and Lake Michigan, the actual existence of wind particularly in the summer, and regional cuisine courtesy of your Eastern European ancestry. While I know in my heart, I can never embrace deep dish pizza (thin crust all the way) or your love of TGI Fridays, Chili's, and Applebee's I have been welcomed here and it's been great. You are the reason we found Jolene, the best dog ever, and I am forever grateful. However, I do have a few questions and concerns.
1. What is the deal with the fireworks? You all are obsessed and it's really freaking me out. To be clear, I am not easily scared (the exception being motor vehicles, which is a separate issue) and I have set off fireworks myself so I did know they are a common part of Fourth of July celebrations. But open-year-round fireworks stores everywhere? I'm not talking one or two stands, but 20-30 stores in a 10 mile radius of our house. Random summer nights filled with constant popping sounds? I know that even in the midst of a recession and a global economic crisis it's important to find joy and have fun when everything around you seems depressing, but spending all your money on fireworks? Really? Does it not seem like you're just throwing money in the trash? Throughout the summer and especially the week leading up to the Fourth, there was a constant evening barrage of fireworks and then the actual Fourth of July arrived. Holy Freaking Crap. Our street looked like a war zone. Billy, Jolene, and I stayed inside most of the day. A firecracker shot towards our house right as Jolene was trying to use the bathroom in the front yard and we both screamed. The next morning the streets, sidewalks, and yards were full of burnt fireworks and leftover packaging. We were one of the only houses whose trash cans were not full of fireworks on trash day. Don't get me wrong, I'm from the South. We know how to party, but fireworks? I don't get it.
2. How could you let a Krispy Kreme go out of business? When we moved to your region, we drove past at least 5 Dunkin Donuts and then we saw an empty, closed down Krispy Kreme. What the hell? Did you even try and embrace them? Didn't you see the sign when it was lit up alerting you to hot, fresh donuts? A year later, the building still sits there and the hot donuts sign mocks me as I turn to head across the street to my gym. Recently, the vacant Krispy Kreme became the 1,000th fireworks store in Northwest Indiana. Really, people?
It's fine if you guys enjoy blowing things up, but choosing fireworks over donuts? Where are your priorities?

Confused and A Little Disappointed


  1. Cara, I never knew that American dogs used bathrooms! You'll tell me next that they eat Crispy Cremes with a knife and fork! As you know, fireworks are illegal in Ireland so I would be more freaked out than poor Jolene if that kind of aural mayhem was going on outside. Down with this sort of thing!! I'm listening to/singing Iris DeMent Mama's Opry at the moment so give my regards to your own mama and also to the pastor and Jolene. Hope you're well and happy. I'll make it over one of the days or vice versa maybe? Check out my FB page for a blast from the past. Love you girlfriend!! X

  2. See, you're in the wrong part of the state. Where I'm from, we love Krispy Kreme. Although, we do also enjoy blowing shit up. I mean, what else are you going to do to kill time until basketball is back?

  3. Interesting perspective. I am a Florida native transplanted here about 15 years ago myself.
    When I first moved here I though NWI was nothing but Cigarette shops, firework stores and t$tty bars. (at least billboard on 80/94 make it seem such)
    If you talk to snobs from Illinois, they think it's nothing but corn and hillbillies over here - until they look at what we pay in realestate taxes - then they realize what they are missing.
    Where would you rather live? Dolton,IL or Crown Point? Same taxes, vastly different neighborhood.

    This is also the reason for all the fireworks stores - tax revenue.

    As far as the krispy kreme - 2 problems:
    1) idiots put it in a location where you have to be going southbound in order to get in there - US41 is NOT friendly in/out right there. Bad planning on their part... which is why no one else has moved in there since it closed a few years ago.
    2) their coffee was horrible. It's cold here 10 months per year, and we need good coffee b4 donuts - which Dunkin has.

    Other than that, hope you enjoy it here - we have awesome restaurants and those of us who have called this home for a while rarely choose CHilis or TGI fRidays - ever. We are very strong here on "drink and eat local"

  4. born and raised here, I am with you I am not a fan of deep dish pizza. I will eat it in a pinch, but really thin is the best.

    Do you know why we have so many rednecks in NWI? This is how far a tank of gas gets them from Kentucky.

    Just kidding

    Not sure where you live, but my yard, street and so on was not littered with spent fireworks. Not to say, we not being barraged at some of the more festive holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial day and Labor day. I wish I knew where some get the money and wish they would put it into their homes and cars well something besides rims.

    I ate a Chili's 3 months ago, I avoid AppleBee's like the plague and the other one. Well, I have not been there in years.

  5. Cara, first let me say I just discovered your blog, thanks to Carol, and I love it. It's almost as good as a visit with you and Billy. It's always enlightening hearing your take on the world. Second, don't knock a good pyrotechnic display. For years my friends thought I was only into fireworks for Dillon's sake but then he grew up and my secret was out. My name is Nancy and I'm a pyromaniac. Although now that Texas is in its second worse drought in recorded history I have curbed my enthusiasm. I agree with you on the noise though; I'm all about the lights and color of the fountain type. If it ever rains in South Texas again and you and Billy are free on the 4th of July come on down and we'll convert you to fireworks. Jolene and Luke can stay at home with ear muffs on. Take care, and give Billy and Jolene a hug.
